Have you ever contemplated why there is a global economic slow down? Why the international banking system is witnessing an uncontrollable upheaval? When and from where has the slow down begun? Is it true that the world is heading towards an unavoidable depression? Is there any connection between the forth-coming economic turmoil of the world and the ancient spiritual predictions about 'The Judgment Day’?
Ask yourself! How many days we can run the economy without productivity and why the Bible has authentically declared that 'The love of money is the root of all evil"?
What is outsourcing? Why has it come into vogue? Question yourself: is there is any room left to expand the capital market apart from outsourcing? There is a universal need to identify the inner reality of the economy and its space-time relativity. If outsourcing is the last survival technique for the international business world, then there is a need to take precaution to CHANGE THE MODEL before the sudden meltdown of the international monetary system.
For more details please go through the blog below and help one another at the time of international monitory meltdown.
M. K. Gandhi says, "We have lost the paradise only to regain it. If it takes time then it is, but speck in the complete time-cycle. The divine teacher of Gita (Sri Krishna) knew when he said that millions of our days are equal to only a day of Brahma, the Absolute".
Spiritual History of ‘The Judgement Day’
The Bible says, “Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you like a trap. For it will come upon all people everywhere on earth. Be on watch and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man”.
Long ago, the cold war between the materialistic greed and the integrity of character began in the end Satya-Yuga* (The era of Truth). In its journey to Kali-Yuga (the era of Untruth), the materialistic hunger for name, fame, money and position has reached massive proportion with a cancerous grip on the human psyche. The worship of God has become a farcical demonstration. Sage Vyasa and Sri Krishna realized this inner drift of the human character more than five thousand years ago. They foresaw the innermost commercial vibrations of the human psyche and declared, "It is impossible to repair the world until the Kali-Yuga ends"
According to Sage Vyasa, Kali-Yuga is the commercial era and the Kali is the disposition that exposes only the virtuous part of the mind and hides the sinful part. It is a devious force, untruthful and selfish oriented. Srimad Bhagavata metaphorically declares that Kali's basic psychological fodder is name, fame, money and position. Without this nourishment Kali cannot exist in the inner roots of the human psyche. Nevertheless, one need not look for Kali elsewhere. It exists in all of us as the voice of selfishness.
Five thousand years ago, by diligently observing the inner occurrences of the human psyche, Sage Vyasa and Sri Krishna confirmed that the Kai-Yuga had begun. They realized that the profit motive of the commercial economy itself was the root cause for the entire evil and contrived behaviour patterns of the human society. After mastering the inner most links and depths of the human psyche and its invisible relativity with the commercial vibrations of the world, they became aware that only the death of money could become the beginning of character.
Sage Vasishta, Sage Vyasa, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Gauthama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Nostradamus, M. K. Gandhi, J. Krishnamurti and several other spiritual leaders in the history of mankind have mastered the inner most vibrations of the human psyche and its inevitable relativity with the materialistic world. Some of them foresaw and cautioned the world about the inescapability of "The Judgment Day." Sage Vyasa and Sri Krishna called it, as the end of Kali-Yuga and the beginning of the Satya-Yuga. Jesus described the period of transformation as the holy delivery pain of the "Mother-Earth". Once without using any ambiguous language Jesus said, "Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them do. When Judgment Day comes many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord! In your name we spoke God's message; by your name we drove out many demons and performed many miracles!' Then I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you wicked people.’"
Once Prophet Mohammed said, "If you reject the Truth, how can you survive the day which will be as destructive as the breaking of the sky".
The judgement day is neither a joke nor an illusionary concept. It is the most scientific invention of nature's hidden cosmic Truth. They have rightly predicted the demise of the commercial vision of the human psyche and realized that only with its demise would the new age of wisdom and truth will dawn.
The infinite character of spiritual wisdom has no connectivity with human being's finite knowledge. Only the death of knowledge can become the beginning of wisdom. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra Sri Krishna once said, "The Omnipresent Lord does not accept the sin or virtue of anybody".
At the time of final crunch or the Day of Judgment we cannot expect any help from anybody, even from the Lord. Let us realize that we human beings are born to learn. Whenever one digresses from the divine spirit of learning, there will be disorder in the deeper roots of the mind. Learning is not a process of abandoning nature. When you cradle yourself in the bosom of nature, it takes care of you.
Therefore, at the time of final economic crunch, identify the final destiny and perform the duty exactly as per the intuitive signals of nature. Nature has consciously originated all of us to perform some noble task. Now, there is no other way left for all of us, except to face the inevitable Truth of the socio-economic collapse. Sri Rama says,"Time swallows up everything that is visible, sparing nothing. It does not spare even outstanding personalities”.
Gautama Buddha says, “Whatsoever has originated will be dissolved again. Ego is a mirage; it vanishes like a nightmare when sleeper awakes”. Srimad Bhagavata says, “As a mass of cloud does not know the powerful influence of the wind, a person engaged in material consciousness does not know the powerful strength of the time factor, by which he is being carried”.
In the history of humanity, all human beings have played dice with the concept of God. They have maligned, corrupted, disgraced and destroyed the understanding of the infinite consciousness by diluting it into rituals, idol worship, meditation, prayer and so on.
It is true that our life is definitely ours and we can live it as we wish. However, each action of today, will decide our mental vibrations of tomorrow. From this karmic (karma means action) cycle there is no escape. The significance lies not in where we are standing, but the direction we are moving in. It is the direction that designs our life and we ourselves become secondary. This is the cycle in which the entire humanity is caught with all the invisible movements of the Unseen Radioactivity.
Now, all over the world commercial economy is completing its appointed age. But there is nothing to lose except the chains of global selfishness. In this crucial context, there is no meaning in following any given object blindly, including the holy books of the planet earth. If we are spiritually sincerer then it is our sacred duty to test everything on the touchstone of Truth.
Karl Marx says, “The great aims of liberating mankind from poverty and hunger, war and decease, social and national oppression have always inspired the progressive social forces to fight for the transformation of society”.
For the scientific and economic data of the future please check the link below:
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