Monday, March 4, 2013

Letter to the Heads of European Union, Indian Prime Minister and all the Central Banks of the world!

Dear friends,

Subject: To have an emergency discussion with the heads of European Union, Indian Prime Minister and all the Central Banks of the world to forward two point solution to the present economic crisis which is methodically moving towards the deadly hazardous collapse that may explode in the form of 'Renaissance 2013' to scientifically design the final destiny of mankind by establishing the tension-free and recession-free economic zone on earth forever! 

With reference to the subject above, I am very pleased to forward this letter for your kind perusal. Particularly, when i came to know that all over the world out of thin air every government is simply printing and dumping money into the system as a solution, I felt the emergency need to forward a direct letter in connection with the exact nature of the approaching financial disaster of the world. Indeed, there is very simple solution to spiritually shift the approaching financial disaster for the time being. It will give greatest relief to the entire mankind, but printing and dumping money into the system, I mean to stock market, banking system and the corporate world by naming it as stimulus package or bailout will lead nowhere. It will accelerate the problem all over the world and generate an uncontrollable inflation for which all governments and the central banks should take responsibility. 

The Revealed Truth of Approaching Financial Disaster of the World!

I am a college dropout, but consider nature as sole teacher. In my early childhood, when I started studying the ABC of science, I realized that all the stellar and non-stellar bodies of the universe and their constituents, including the human mind, are made up of matter, but the matter always functions in tune with nature. This has puzzled me to investigate the hidden root of everything. I was in search of the grand unified Truth that governs the universe. This intuition is the reason for my today's all writings. During 1994, at the time of powerful transforming experience of detachment, I realized all the proceedings, which are happening now in economics, religion, science and technology. In this process, I become conscious that from the minute elementary particle to vast cosmos there is some hitherto unrecognized electromagnetic circuitry system that connects everything as one integrated unit. I decided to study this entangled electromagnetic message carrying system of nature in depth and present it in a scientific manner.

The Judgement Day

Have you ever contemplated why there is a global economic slow down? Why the international banking system is witnessing an uncontrollable upheaval? When and from where has the slow down begun? Is it true that the world is heading towards an unavoidable depression? Is there any connection between the forth-coming economic turmoil of the world and the ancient spiritual predictions about 'The Judgment Day’?
​Ask yourself! How many days we can run the economy without productivity and why the Bible has  authentically declared that 'The love of money is the root of all evil"?

What is outsourcing? Why has it come into vogue? Question yourself: is there is any room left to expand the capital market apart from outsourcing?​ There is a universal need to identify the inner reality of the economy and its space-time relativity. If outsourcing is the last survival technique for the international business world, then there is a need to take precaution to CHANGE THE MODEL before the sudden meltdown of the international monetary system.

For more details please go through the blog below and help one another at the time of international monitory meltdown.